I have a deep dark secret. I cannot throw away a banana. When they go brown in our house, in to the freezer they go. Then, one day I open the freezer and it’s like they were banana tribbles. When the hell did all those naners get in there?! Oh, wait. Right. So….time to make some banana bread it is.
Betty Crocker has this amazing BB recipe that I’ve barely tweeked. It’s really yummy, dense and moist and full of bananaloids. It comes together lickity quickity.

Having good, solid tools for cooking makes the process easier and more fun. In that vein, I am always on the lookout for serious quality bakeware. Home Goods is a great place, especially around the holidays. I love my Chicago Metallic pans – they are serious shit. Heavy. Nonstick. Steel. I reduce my temp by 15* to the recipe because of their dark finish, but they are awesome.
Sprinkled with sugar. They get so sparkly!

And now, the whole house smells great. Waiting for these babies to cool and slice seems like it will take forever.

Alrighty – two beautiful loaves. One for us, one for the neighbors (you remember the neighbors, the ones who bring us all the goodies from M-O-M? Yeah, gotta take care of each other.)
[yumprint-recipe id=’15’]
Always looking for a good banana bread recipe. Will give it a try this weekend. Hope mine looks as good as your pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! Let me know how it turns out!