Strawberry Cream Pops

Sweet, creamy, tangy, with little bits of strawberry – these hit all the bases for a summertime treat in our lactose-impaired household.

La saison des fruits is finally here! It’s my favorite – so of course we overbought melon and mango and berries because the prices were awesome. There was a quart of strawberries, and half were amazing but about half looked to be that “I’m mostly red and all but I’m not really ripe and sweet.” So I thought I’d quarter them and roast them. The original plan was going be a frozen yogurt (made with that miracle of miracles, Fage lactose-free Greek yogurt), but mine had grown a full head of hair in the fridge since I last used some, so……..sigh.

Then himself mumbled about how I was making strawberry icecream for me, but how come I never made him fudgcicles. (We are all twelve year olds on the inside, aren’t we? But ah lurfs him). So I started Googling that and found an AMAZEBALLS recipe for those (five ingredients? Are you kidding? The were in the freezer in five minutes. SOOOO GOOOD, too!) Anywho, that got me thinking. I had a cup of roasted strawberries in the freezer. I bet those would be good with the coconut milk, too. So, there you have it. I’m glad the berries were frozen, because when I took the stick blender to it that meant there would be little bits of berry. This is forking deeeelish and you should make these immediately.

I got the little zippie bags and the funnel on Amazon a couple years back. Depending on your pop consumption, that bag lasts quite a while. Ok – try these!

Roasted Strawberry Coconut Cream Pops
1 pint of strawberries, washed trimmed and quartered.

1 14.5oz can of light coconut milk
1/4 c. agave syrup
1/4 tsp. salt

Heat the oven to 375* while you’re cleaning the berries. Spread them out on a sheet of parchment on a baking tray, and roast about 20-25 minutes. The house should smell like strawberry pie, and they should be just starting to caramelize around the edges.

Cool and freeze.

Once the berries are mostly frozen, put all the ingredients in the blender and blend until almost smooth but still slightly chunky.

Fill your pops, lay ’em flat in the freezer, and have an awesome treat the next day!

My only counsel would be about the coconut milk. Be sure to use the light kind; the heavy kind has a lot more fat/coconut cream in it and once it’s frozen that masks just about every other flavor.

Author: Karen Maginnis

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