Blondies. Bill has this memory of earth-shatteringly good blondies from the Just Desserts bakery in San Francisco from [cough cough] years ago.
I can’t tell you how many recipes I’ve tried over the years, hoping to give him that little slice of bakery happiness…. but have yet to find THE ONE.

These are not them, but they are damn tasty. They’re from Smitten Kitchen, with walnuts and (in honor of The City) Ghiradelli white and dark chocolate chips, some walnuts, and crystal sugar on top.
Alright – now that the photo’s up, it’s time to go make a pot of coffee to do these bad boys justice.
[yumprint-recipe id=’5′]
Well, for me, the heyday of Just Desserts was during the early and mid 80s. They expanded and took on bigger distribution options and that’s when I think they tanked! My go-to location was the Church St. shop (right off Market St.) because of the J-Church Streetcar line passed right by: I could get off at Market, stop by Just Desserts for cake and coffee after work, then catch another J Church car to go home to Noe Valley. Like my late brother used to say, “That’s some good cake, Lud.” I’d bring him home his favorite Chocolate Fudge layer cake – he’d be so happy!